Welby MD, Air Force veteran and author, announces the release of his crime thriller series, featuring the twin detective duo Bella and Ngoc. Set in the fictional kingdom of Bears Home, the series introduces readers to a world of high-stakes crime, masterminded by the elusive Polish mob boss, Kellen Olshefski. Bella’s personal struggle to join the Royal Guard and Ngoc’s contrasting, methodical approach create a dynamic that sets this series apart. What truly captivates readers is not just the crime-solving, but the deep character development and the unique screenplay-style format that Welby employs to enhance the storytelling experience.

One of the hallmarks of the Detectives of the Kingdom Series is its unique format. Presented in a screenplay style, the dialogue-driven storytelling creates an immersive experience, allowing readers to feel like they are watching the action unfold. The quick, sharp exchanges between characters move the plot forward and offer insight into their personalities and relationships. This format, combined with the series’ intricate plotlines, ensures that each book is an exciting read and a thoughtful narrative journey.

With complex crimes, engaging characters, and a storyline that intertwines personal ambition with professional challenges, the Detectives of the Kingdom Series delivers a thrilling and multifaceted experience for readers. The twin detectives, Bella and Ngoc, are captivated by their unique dynamic. At the same time, the rise of Kellen Olshefski as a criminal mastermind ensures that each new case presents a challenge worth following.

As the series progresses, the stakes rise even higher. In the forthcoming Know Your Enemy (due December 2024), a new villain, Brandon Stenzel, enters the fray. Set against the backdrop of political upheaval in Ireland, this latest installment promises to expand the series' scope even further. Bella and Ngoc find themselves confronting threats that extend beyond Olshefski’s empire, all while navigating the ever-evolving challenges of their partnership.

Looking ahead, MD’s series continues to promise suspense, drama, and richly developed characters. Readers who have been captivated by Bella and Ngoc’s journey won’t want to miss what comes next.

You thought it was over?

Ha! It has only just begun!

Norwegian International Radio News in Oslo Norway

Thank you to everyone who made this possible.


It isn’t always about the crime itself, but the intricate details that intrigue us. “Svenska Handelsbanken” is a fictional Crime/ Detective novel that will pull you in and keep you up at night wanting more. Readers can’t help, but fall in love with the characters. A novel yes, but written in a script format. Readers will enjoy the ease of reading along with the twists and turns of both the crimes, and the characters. Bella and Ngoc are detectives, yes, but also twins. Each has their own strengths which complement the other. Head of the Royal Guard, Detective O’Malley, and Captain Mortimer join them. Our detectives are smart, agile, and extremely funny. Crimes are committed, which on the outside, look to be isolated. However, some crimes are linked together in a masterful, overall ingenious plan. Thrown in are side plots which also contain twists and turns throughout the novel.

It all started with "Svenska Handelsbanken"

Winner of four awards:

#1 Best Seller

2023 Reader's Choice Award

2023 Global Book Award

#1 Best Author

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The Brioni is Here! - Order Now!

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Kellen's Plan was more than we thought!

Warning: Read Svenska first to experience the true excitement of our series

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Did you really think our Polish mob boss was defeated so easily? Read "The Brioni" to find out how we have only scratched the surface of Kellen's devious plans! Our detectives call on the world's top two powerful assassins to help them. Can enemies work together to solve Kellen Olshefski's ingenious plan? Assassins are not the only help our detectives need. Sometimes a dog "nose" best! Watson, Finn and Murphy join Mino, Queen Myie's adoring Shih Tzu, in our series. Kellen has vowed revenge! Nothing is going to stop him this time!

Twists and turns of both the crimes,

and the characters.

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About the Author

Welby MD is a nine year Air Force and Gulf War Veteran. He was raised in the Washington, D.C. area. Today, you can find him teaching bible studies and occasionally preaching sermons. More often than not, you will find him on walks with his wife, My and their dog, Mino.

Welby MD

Best Selling Author

Award winning Svenska is followed up with "The Brioni." Just when you thought Kellen's plan could not be more intricate, you find our detectives have only scratched the service.

A four book series that has you guessing each and every page. One of those series, when your eyes are tired and you know you need sleep, your brain says, "Just one more page!"

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SUCCESS! First Ever Book Signing at Starline Excursion Market!

Winner of our Free Book Drawing - Xannie Zadlo

What a fantastic book signing. We sold 21 books. Many authors are upset if they don't sell 100 plus books, but in a small town like Harvard IL, we are very blessed to sell 20. We had a huge day yesterday at work. We are excited. Great Christmas gifts! Read it... fall in love with it... buy for family and friends. Thank you everyone who came out today. We love you all. PS. My's spring rolls were beyond delicious. Everyone loved them. And the Vietnamese fried rice was icing on the cake. Thank you My for all your love and support. Could not have done it without you!

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