Know Your Enemy is the third book in our series. Although books two, three and four can be read on their own, all three contain secrets and spoilers originating from Svenska Handelsbanken. It is strongly encouraged you at least read Svenska Handelsbanken before reading other books of the series.

Ireland Election
Who Are You Going To Vote For?
NOW AVAILABLE! This winter give the ultimate "Escape To Another World" experience. Bears Home awaits and what a journey it has been so far. So many have told us they absolutely love the personalization of the characters and how the story revolves around them. Not to mention the twists and turns that you should have seen coming, but didn't. Bella and Ngoc are at it again in "Know Your Enemy." A book of romance, corruption, and war. However, what our readers love the most, is the side stories take a backseat to our incredible characters who really are the main story. We have a new villain, along with some amazing side stories that capture your hearts to the core. Get ready! This new adventure provides some new twists and some sweet revenge. Now is the perfect time. Start reading and by this time next year you will be ready for the series finale, Smuggling Seas.

Just when you thought our detectives had solved everything, you find there are mysteries still yet unsolved. A new villain enters our lives. There is war, and we lose someone close to our hearts. Know Your Enemy is a battle of emotions that will make you want to read faster to find out what happens next.

As the series progresses, the stakes rise even higher. Set against the backdrop of political upheaval in Ireland, this latest installment promises to expand the series' scope even further. Bella and Ngoc find themselves confronting threats that extend beyond Olshefski’s empire, all while navigating the ever-evolving challenges of their partnership.

Kellen has been defeated. We are all good now...
Not so fast!
You better "Know Your Enemy" for this one.

Norwegian Radio Interview with Clarissa Matthews
Thank you to everyone who made this possible.