Still Waiting For Just One

Svenska Handelsbanken


Welby MD

9/16/20231 min read

Another day has passed and we did receive word from two more agents. Both said no, but wished us well on our search. One of them was someone that was a far reach anyway. She is more into romance then Crime/Detective novels. It wasn't much of a surprise, but it was worth a shot.

There are two agents in particular that I am waiting on. If they both report back and they are not interested, I think we are just going to call it a day and self publish. This would have the book out in time for Christmas. The more I think about it, getting it out before Christmas is much better than after Christmas. People would buy Svenska as a Christmas gift.

Videos are fun to make and easy, but no one really comments or clicks the like button. Lots of friends, but out of 600 plus friends, only about 15 actually pay attention, and out of those 15, three or four are active. Funny, two of those four are myself and My. Lol.

Tomorrow is another day. Hopefully we will find an agent soon. Either way, I need to sit down and edit the second book. After my initial edit, then it goes to the editor. The sooner I get it done, the sooner I can edit the third and really get that fourth book going.

Have a great day. Friday is here. May your weekend be filled with lots of love and memories of family and friends.